One of the most commonly performed services done by a dentist is the practice of teeth whitening. It is a quick, simple, and efficient technique to help patients obtain a perfectly white smile.
Generally speaking, for the first 72 hours following your teeth whitening, you should be extremely cautious about what you consume. After this initial period, you can return to your regular routine. However, it makes sense that you would want to benefit from a tooth whitening operation for as long as feasible. There are several things you should try to avoid doing as little as possible in order to extend the effects of professional teeth whitening in Winnipeg.

We will discuss what not to do after teeth whitening in this article so you can enjoy your stunning smile.

What to Avoid After Teeth Whitening

    • Colored drinks

The first 2-3 days following your treatment are the most important, as it can be easy to restain your teeth. You should abstain from consuming anything that can leave behind dark residue, including red wine, coffee, tea, tomato juice, and beer.

These beverages’ vibrant colors are potent and rapidly discolor your smile. Use a straw if you plan to continue consuming some of these beverages after the initial time has passed. By doing this, any potential direct contact between these substances and the teeth’s front surface will be avoided.

    • Foods that might stain

There are other meals and drinks that may discolor your teeth. The natural tooth enamel will be harmed by acidic foods, oily foods, or anything that may contain brilliant artificial food coloring. Avoid eating such foods after your whitening procedure as dark chocolate, chocolate milk, red meat, mango, kiwi, and plum.

Consider anything that could leave a lingering mark on white surfaces as you decide what foods to avoid eating. The ” ‘white shirt’ test, as it is often known, is a typical strategy dentists advise. Consider any meals or beverages that could discolor a white shirt.

    • Acidic and sugary foods

You should also stay away from foods that are high in sugar and acid after getting teeth whitening near you. As was noted earlier, the pores in your teeth are weakened by the whitening process, and acidic and/or sugar will make that enamel even more brittle. These things may also encourage the growth of any bacteria that causes tooth decay, which could cause sensitivity and discoloration.

Additionally, the majority of items like candy and ice cream that include artificial sugar also contain food coloring. Further, avoiding chewy meals will reduce the chance of injury. Stains could develop on the teeth if the chewy food remains attached to the surface of the teeth.

    • Cigarettes and tobacco

One of the most common causes of teeth darkening is tobacco usage, including cigarette smoke and other forms of tobacco. They pose a greater risk of darkening your teeth immediately following tooth whitening procedures. Patients who use tobacco products claim that discoloration requires more frequent touch-ups. The easiest way to stop tooth stains, if you smoke or chew tobacco, is to stop using tobacco products.

    • Dental products that can leave behind residue

You might wish to avoid using coloured toothpaste or mouthwash if you normally do. If you’re curious about the colors that the dental product could stain, they could be blue, red, purple, orange, or even black. For the best outcomes at this time, it would be safe to stick with white or neutral-coloured dental items.

    • Too hot or too cold foods

After having their teeth whitened at a dental clinic near you, many people often make the error of consuming hot or cold foods and beverages. There will likely be some degree of sensitivity following your whitening treatment. You ought to stay away from anything that can have really high temperatures at this time. Even lukewarm water may not be tolerated by certain people’s teeth.

Call Markham Dental Centre Today

Years of coffee, tea, and wine use can darken your teeth while also rendering them more resistant to regular brushing and whitening products. With that said, if you are looking for a dental clinic in Winnipeg that provides effective cosmetic treatment, please reach out to us! Our entire staff is excited to meet with you!
