TMD/TMJ Treatment Near You
TMJ stands for the temporomandibular joint, and it connects your lower jaw to your upper jaw. If you place a finger in front of each ear and open and close your mouth, you will be able to feel this joint. When your jaw becomes misaligned, it can cause many uncomfortable symptoms, limiting your ability to speak and eat. These symptoms are related to TMJ, also known as TMD, an umbrella term for any temporomandibular joint disorder. At Markham Dental, we understand how painful jaw disorders can be and want to provide you with relief. We provide TMJ treatment in Winnipeg.
What Symptoms Does TMD Cause?
Temporomandibular joint disorder or TMD refers to a variety of conditions that a misaligned jaw can cause. This disorder often results in painful symptoms such as migraines but can be easily overlooked as a cause of chronic facial, shoulder, or neck pain. Other symptoms may include:
- Clicking noises when chewing
- Pain or swelling around the jaw joint
- Lockjaw
- Sleep apnea
- Chronic headaches
- Tinnitus
- Ear pain or pressure
- Facial pain
- Tooth sensitivity
- Trouble swallowing
- Grinding noises when moving the jaw
To understand if your painful symptoms result from TMD, please visit our clinic for a consultation today.

How is TMD Diagnosed?
When you come to a dentist near you because of painful symptoms, your exam will start with your dentist feeling each side of your mouth closest to the jaw joint. They will examine how your jaw functions, watching to see how widely your mouth can open and if your jaw leans to one side or another. Your dentist will also listen for any clicking or popping noises around your jaw and feel the muscles around your face to check for signs of wear. Sometimes, a dentist may take an x-ray to see your jaw joint’s structure and review your teeth for signs of clenching and grinding. When your dentist finds the cause of your TMD, they will discuss a treatment plan with you.
How is TMD Treated?
TMD treatment in Winnipeg differs depending on each circumstance. Sometimes, a night guard will be offered to prevent you from grinding your teeth while you sleep, protecting your muscles and teeth from pressure and alleviating your pain. For patients who have more severe TMD, a dental appliance that is worn during the day may help.
Bite Stabilization: Your dentist will determine a position for your bite that best helps your jaw muscles relax. You will then be given something known as a TMJ splint, which allows your jaw to find its natural position. This custom-made splint will be placed over your lower teeth. Once your symptoms have eased, your dentist will continue treatment to find a long-term solution.
Long-Term Solution: The type of long-term treatment you receive will depend on how severe your TMD is. Your dentist will create a solution that will most effectively address your symptoms. Some options may include Invisalign or reconstructive surgery.
If you are looking for TMD treatment near you, please visit Markham Dental. Our team is happy to provide you with many options to alleviate your pain and increase your quality of life.